I’ve shared with you all how switching things up to the keto diet has really changed things for my in the weight loss department. (If you’re looking to re-set your food intake, I also recommend getting stated with a Whole30 in January.) It has allowed me to finally lose the baby weight I put on while pregnant with Blake and get back into the clothing that’s hanging in my closet. But I will be honest with you all that I’ve taken a step back from it lately because it’s been hard to attain with our busy family life and I think that so much dairy (from all the cheese and heavy cream) was starting to mess with my digestive system. So at the beginning of December, I cut back to just low card (about 30-40 grams per day), almost zero sugar and added this morning detox drink recipe to the start of each new day.

First, you all know about my obsession with probiotics for both me and my babies and think they are so important for keeping me regular (yes, I went there) and my bloating to a minimum. But I’ve needed more lately, and a new routine was calling my name.

Why do you need to detox? Well first things first, our bodies actually detox on their own, naturally. But I tend to experience bloat from so many different foods, and really love the impact this detox drink recipe has on my weight loss, skin and keeping me more energized. Yup, after starting your day with this morning detox recipe (you can even have it alongside your favorite morning cup of coffee!), you will notice these results in a few short days.

There are only 6 simple ingredients in this detox drink recipe and they are all things that can typically be found in your kitchen already – that was really important to me. I hate having to run out to buy extra things for recipes and I truly believe that when we use clean, whole ingredients in our everyday life that we just feel SO much better.

  • Hot Water: Not only is hot water soothing first thing in the morning, but it helps fill me up. I think I’ve mentioned before that I practice intermittent fasting (16 hours no eating, 8 hours eating) everyday (this is a great book on intermittent fasting if you’re looking to try it out, too!) so feeling like I’m full because of the hot water helps me make it through until lunchtime without wanting to pick at Blake’s breakfast.
  • Cucumber: So the deal with cucumbers is that they are natural diuretics, which means that they stimulate the need to pee. Going to the bathroom often helps to cleanse the liver, flush out bodily toxins and avoid water retention. All of these are things that I need in my life and am sure that you do, too.
  • Ginger: I love ginger! It not only tastes amazing, but does so many great things for your body that goes well beyond just curing nausea. Ginger is a fantastic digestive aid and works wonders to help with bloat and any gastrointestinal issues.
  • Rosemary: No joke, I never really thought of putting Rosemary into a drink until it was in one of my cocktails recently – so I did some research. Rosemary is a natural detoxifier as it works by enhancing the body’s bile flow, something that’s essential for fat metabolism and detoxification.
  • Lemon: I’m pretty obsessed with lemons and lemon chicken in the recipe that my family knows me for – just call me Deborah Veronne. Lemons naturally detoxify the body and boosts your immune system.
  • A splash of apple cider vinegar: I know, it’s an acquired taste, but it does wonders for your body. If weight loss is a goal of yours, this will help to speed up your metabolism.


  • A half of a lemon
  • A few slices of cucumber
  • A half inch piece of ginger – or ground ginger works, too!
  • A sprinkle of rosemary
  • A splash of apple cider vinegar

These directions couldn’t be any easier! Muddle together the juice of half a lemon, cucumbers, and ginger. Top them with a sprinkle of rosemary and a splash of apple cider vinegar and then pour the amount of hot water that you prefer on top. Let the mixture steep for a few minutes while it cools and you scoop out the remaining pieces of the ginger and cucumber if you’d like. So simple!

I hope that you love this detox drink recipe as much as I do and reap all those awesome benefits! I guzzle a ton of liquids in the morning (this drink, 2 cups of coffee, plus a glass of water) because it fills me up and gives me the boost I need to push forward through our crazy mornings until lunchtime. I know your mornings are busy like mine, so I hope this helps to cleanse your system and boost that metabolism because us moms need all the energy we can to chase after our kiddos!


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