Eyelash Growth Serum

Making a DIY natural eyelash growth serum is so easy & effective! You’ll love how thicker and longer your lashes will look with regular use!

When I was in high school, I used castor oil alone to grow my eyelashes longer ad thicker and I must say, it did work though I only did it for a couple of weeks. Some people even say they notice longer eyelashes just on the third day!

Talk about instant results! It may take from mere days to a few weeks to start seeing solid results but remember, while doing this you’re not only going to get longer and thicker eyelashes but moisturized and healthy looking ones too! I’m saying this because sometimes when the temperature is cold and dry, I find the skin just above my lash line dry and peeling!

With this natural eyelash growth serum, you don’t need to worry about dry skin in that area at all since it keeps the skin around the lash line healthy and hydrated.

In this eyelash growth serum, I’ll be combining some of the best oils for hair growth to create a mega hair growth boosting serum for instant results! Since this is all natural and has absolutely no chemicals, provided you use only organic ingredients, why not give this natural eyelash growth serum a try!

Ingredient Profile
Here’s what you need to make this natural eyelash growth serum and the roles they play for longer and thicker eyelash growth:
  • Sweet Almond Oil – Extracted from sweet almond kernels, almond oil is rich in monosaturated fats, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, calcium and other nutrients that promote eyelash growth. Sweet almond oil strengthens hair, preventing damage and breakage. It also moisturizes the hair, hence preventing them from falling out. Did you know that you can also use sweet almond oil to thicken light non-existent eyebrows?
  • Castor Oil – Castor oil is a thick vegetable oil got from the seeds of the castor oil plant. It has been used since ancient times as a laxative, food preservation, as a medicine and as a remedy for hair loss. It’s rich in vitamin E, protein and fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic ricinoleic acids that nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth. Castor oil can also be used to re-grow bald patches, reduce thinning edges and prevent hair fall. The thick oil lubricates hair thereby strengthening them.
  • Coconut Oil – Coconut oil is one of the most popular oils for hair growth. Since ancient times, it has been used in India to boost hair growth and prevent hair loss due to its rich nutrient content. It contains fatty acids that easily penetrate into the hair and stimulate hair growth. It also creates a protective lipid barrier which prevents germs and impurities from damaging hair.
  • Vitamin E oil – Vitamin E oil is the ulimate beauty oil. It’s extremely good for the skin and hair as well. Vitamin E promotes hair growth by stimulating circulation, which enables blood capillaries supplying nutrient-rich blood to nourish all the hair follicles. Vitamin E oil also strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.
Eyelash Growth Serum

How to Make a Natural Eyelash Growth Serum with Castor Oil
  • 1 tsp castor oil
  • 1 tbsp sweet almond oil
  • ½ tsp liquid coconut oil
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil
  1. Add the castor oil,  sweet almond oil and liquid coconut oil to a clean container I used a small swing top glass jar.
  2. Use a pair of scissors to snip of the end of a vitamin E oil capsule and squeeze the oil into the container.
  3. Shake the container gently to mix up all the ingredients.
  4. Done! Your all natural eyelash growth serum is ready! Luscious lashes here we come!
  5. Store your eyelash growth serum in a clean dry place. I like to keep it on my vanity table with a container of q-tips beside it for quick application before some beauty sleep!
Edit: Cute Empty Mascara Tubes!
Don’t want to use the q-tip method? Get these clear mascara tubes that come with tiny funnels for pouring your oil! I found that it’s a lot better to use an empty mascara tube to apply the natural eyelash growth serum. However, only one coat is enough – more than this will seep into your eyes and burn!

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