DIY Lemon Spray For Hair Lightening

Get ready to make a DIY lemon hair lightening spray for natural highlights. It’ll also leave your hair with a nice lemony scent.

Instead of using chamomile tea, you can use water. But chamomile tea is also a natural hair lightener so if you want fast results, go with it!

Ingredients Needed

  • Lemon – You will need a lemon. You can use two of them if the lemons are small. Lemons have been used as natural hair lightening lighten ingredients since ancient times. What people used to do was put some lemon juice in water and apply it on their hair. Then they’d go sit in the sun for some minutes. This subtly lightens hair and brings out highlights!
  • Chamomile flowers – Chamomile flowers are also another ancient remedy for hair lightening. They’re also steeped in water and then poured on the head as a final hair rinse. Using chamomile makes blonde hair blonder and dark hair get some nice light colored highlights.
  • Lemon essential oil – Boost the nice lemony scent of your hair spray by adding this essential oil! It is also got from lemon peels, which are known for their brightening and lightening properties so it might help with lightening hair as well!
DIY Lemon Spray For Hair Lightening

DIY Lemon Hair Lightening Spray
Use this DIY lemon hair lightening spray to get some cool highlights naturally!

What you need:

  • 1 big lemon
  • Chamomile flowers
  • 2 ½ cups water
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil *optional
  • Pot & heat source
  • Funnel
  • Spray bottle


  1. Cut up the lemon into wedges and put them into a pot filled with 2 ½ cups water.
  2. Next throw in a handful of dried chamomile flowers.
  3. Now place the pot over medium low heat and let the lemons boil away for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, remove from heat and let it cool down completely.
  5. Add 5 drops of lemon essential oil then pour your lemon chamomile water into a spray bottle with the help of a funnel.
  6. It’s ready! Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  7. Keep spraying your hair whenever. Best results are seen when you go out in the sun after spraying your hair.

Have you ever used lemons or chamomile to lighten your hair?

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